Dec 1, 2010 Board Meeting

Mitchell Park West Neighborhood Association Board Meeting

Wednesday, December 1, 6:30 PM, Childsplay

Attending: Chris Coleman, Penny Wilson, Mac McGinn, David Saar, Pat Konomos, Matt Garcia, Matt Toomey

The minutes of the last board meeting were accepted.
Alleys: Mac will create a volunteer alley cleanup team to help improve the neighborhood. Someone suggested an improved surface such as gravel, etc. Someone else noted the alleys are not roads, and improving the surface might result in more through use. Matt proposed we need an incentive for keeping the alley clean, and Pat suggested art projects, such as mosaic on walls (with owner's permission) or use of solar lighting in the alleys. We discussed changing the use of alleys: Mac pointed out that other cities have used alleys for art or expanded yard or walk space. Two ideas for obtaining volunteers were suggested: send out notice to an expanded email list, and post the request on the bulletin board in the park. We decided the next scheduled alley clean up would be January 8, 2011.

The potluck and volleyball tournament: We all agreed it was a great success. Over 80 neighbors and city representatives attended. Penny reported that Natalie offered to compose a thank-you letter which will be hand-delivered to businesses who donated gifts. The $8,500 Mary Anne Corder neighborhood grant: (Art Grant): David reported that the committee-approved proposal request form had been send to Natalie for help with formatting (including a picture of the site with a text wrap). We recognized that Natalie is very busy, and asked Matt Garcia to help her with this (if necessary). David will send the final format for review by Maja Aurora, of the Tempe Cultural Services Administration. David advised the suggested deadline for proposals was to be January 15.

Bulletin Board: Chris reviewed the history of the disagreement with the city about this. Pat noted that Bob Pohlitt was opposed to our idea of a freestanding decorative bulletin board. Matt Garcia suggested, and other members agreed, we should consider going to the City Council if the Parks Department was still adamantly opposed. However, Chris still intends to follow channels by meeting with Travis Dray about this project.

Adopting Mitchell Park: After much discussion of this topic, and reviewing our history with Tempe Parks and Recreation, we determined that a better working relationship is needed. Chris and Mac will meet with the relevant city personnel. Mac pointed out that all committees should include neighbors who are not on the board. We agreed that this would increase participation in the association.

Ideas for Next Year's Grant Application: Chris suggested we do a brainstorming session, which resulted in the following ideas:

■A shade structure for the children's play area. Pat pointed out that this had also been suggested by neighbor Gayla May at the last General Meeting and had been brought up before that.
■An exercise circuit. Mac pointed out that other parks have this.
■Improved children's playground equipment. Chris stated that his daughter misses having Monkey Bars in the park, and volunteered to build it for the park.
■A sustainable project using solar panels for general park lighting, or more specifically for an interactive art project. Matt Garcia has seen such freestanding art/information structures in South American parks, and will get more information on that. Matt Toomey and Matt Garcia both offered to get information from ASU's Sustainability College regarding possible projects and funding.

Please note the next board meeting will be Wednesday, January 12, at 6:30, site to be determined.

Minutes by Penny Wilson and Pat Konomos
